sound/lao green debüt/songs/suddenly allīs over

suddenly allīs over

suddenly allīs over, how fast things can change.
they spoke of redemption, the best thing for us both.
why donīt i understand whatīs happening all teh time?
who explaines the emptiness inside me? nobody.
it was odd all the time, not just in the end.
my special love for you,
was it more than you could stand?
why donīt i understand whatīs happening all the time?
i just did everything fro you, just for you.
follow, follow, follow him to
whereever he goes.
follow, follow, follow him to
all the places weīd never know.
i hope you find a piece of gold on your way,
what is more worth than mine
i hope you can fulfill all his wishes,
until the end of you time.

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